Silver Willow Software
I hope you find something to make your business or hobby more efficient and enjoyable.
(more to come...)
Cabinet Quote
Quote cabinetry projects in minutes!
(not yet ready)
About payment and terms
About the order process:
Our order process is conducted by our online reseller is the Merchant of Record for all our orders.
Paddle provides all customer service inquiries and handles returns.
After the payment process you should receive two emails.
One is the invoice, the other contains the product key.
The payment will appear on your bank/card statement as: PADDLE.NET* SWSOFTWARE
Software terms:
You must double check all calculations produced by these programs.
Values produced by these programs may be rounded.
You the user must fully test the program before purchasing a product key.
You may not copy or reproduce and distribute any part of these software programs.
It is understood that these software programs are provided as is.
The maker of these programs accepts no responsibility for errors produced by these programs.
The maker of these programs is not liable for any damages, or any loss of revenue, profits, or data, in connection with the use of these software programs.